Stand up Jig special
size: 3/0, weight: 30 g

Article Number: HOS30030

The Barbarian Jig is a very strong, sharp jighook, that hardly bends up. Especially the bigger sizes from 7/0 upwards are great for big cats, pikes and seafish!

Wir haben den klassischen Stand Up Spezial Jig noch einmal verbessert und bieten diesen Jig-Klassiker ab sofort mit VMC Barbarian Haken an. Winkel der Schaufel individuell adjustierbar. Einsetzbar für alle Weichplastikköder.

We have improved the classic stand up special jig again and are now offering this classic-jig with VMC Barbarian hooks.  The angle of the shovel can be individually adjusted.  Can be used for all soft plastic baits.

HOS30030 Stand up Jig Spezial Größe: 3/0, Gewicht: 30 g